Ten things to know about Southern Shores
- The Town of Southern Shores was formed in 1946 as a resort.
- Southern Shores was incorporated in 1979.
- 4.2 square miles makes up Southern Shores
- According to 2013 records the population is 2,812
- Southern Shores is located 36°7’28”N 75°43’ 57” W
- Southern Shores is located between the towns of Kitty Hawk, NC and Duck, NC
- The beach in Southern Shores is private for residents and guests.
- Dogs are only allowed on the beach between the hours of 6:00 p.m-9:00 a.m. from May 15th to September 15. DOGS MUST BE ON LEASH AT ALL TIMES when off personal property
- Visit southernshores-nc.gov to learn about the town.
- The Martin family has called Southern Shores home since 1996.