Hot Weather Cool Down

Hot Weather Cool DownSummer is here…looking for ways to find a hot weather cool down? We are too! When the temperature rises, houses without air conditioning can get stuffy and uncomfortable. This definitely makes it difficult to relax, eat or sleep. Even if you have air conditioning, you may want to save energy and use it sparingly. Running ceiling fans, limiting shower times, and not using the oven are great ideas. Ready to learn more?

Check out the article “How to Cool Down a Room” by Victoria Harrison. She gives practical suggestions on how to achieve “coolness” in your favorite rooms. One of the most interesting topics was freezing your pillow. We’ve never thought of that! Even though it sounds a bit odd, but it’ll provide icy relief on a muggy evening, and the soothing effect should last long enough for you to drift off comfortably. Interested yet? Read the entire article to get the inside scoop to stay comfortable this summer.

We hope you can use these tricks for a hot weather cool down!

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